# Community Partner


Nazareno, beyond faith: Narrative of Filipino struggle for social justice

Talitha Dungca


Nazareno, beyond faith: Narrative of Filipino struggle for social justice


The author delves into the power of faith and devotion to the Black Nazarene, intertwined with the socio-political realities faced and highlighting the dual narrative of spiritual resilience and societal challenges.

Every year, millions of Filipino Catholics come together for a momentous event—the grand celebration of the traslacion of the revered Mahal na Poong Nazareno. This event marks the annual procession of the Black Nazarene statue, a sacred journey from Luneta Grandstand to Quiapo Church on every January 9th.  

Countless individuals participate in this occasion, including devotees, onlookers, and even international observers. Despite the recurring injuries and occasional fatalities during the event over the years, the enthusiasm of these devotees appears undiminished. 

The traslacion, mirroring the Passion of Christ, reflects a profound narrative in Christian theology. It portrays the sufferings, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, symbolizing the ultimate sacrifice and redemption while highlighting themes of faith, perseverance, and divine love. 

Parallelism: A Passion of Christ in reverse 

As someone born and raised from Quiapo, I have firsthand experience with the traslacion, and I also enhance my devotion by capturing it through photos and videos.  

However, this year’s Feast of the Black Nazarene has struck me differently, evoking a deep emotional response. As I reflect on the procession’s aspects, I realized that it mirrors the “Passion of Christ” in reverse. 

In the Passion, people followed Jesus to ridicule, condemn, and crucify Him, with few willing to assist Him or acknowledge His divine nature. On the other hand, during the traslacion, people follow the Nazarene to seek solace, grace, and mercy, showcasing a deep yearning for divine intervention in a country marked by suffering and neglect.  

This irony raises questions about the reality of God’s existence for non-believers, highlighting the irony and beauty in this narrative. It also underscores the reality faced by many Filipinos, a reality often shaped by systematic injustices and economic hardships worsen by governmental neglect.  

Despite these challenges, the devotion to the Nazareno remains unwavering, not only symbolizing faith but also embodies a collective plea for justice, healing, and redemption—serving as beacon of hope and resilience for those who have little else to rely on. 

The Unwavering Faith: Why do people long for the love of Nazareno?  

When I look around, I see the neglect that many of us face every day. Basic services like healthcare, education, and decent living conditions seem like distant dreams for too many.  

In these moments of despair, it’s no surprise that we long for something to hold onto, something that gives us hope and solace. For many Filipinos like me, that something is the love of Nazareno.   

I know firsthand the challenges that life can bring. My family faced discrimination when my mother was infected with COVID-19. We were already financially strained, and the hospitals failed to provide the care we desperately needed. Even PhilHealth, which was supposed to help us financially, fell short, leaving us feeling hopeless and unsure of where to turn for my mother’s treatment.  

It was in this darkest hour that we turned to prayer, hoping that the Lord would touch the hearts of those who could extend a helping hand. 

We felt abandoned by the government, but not by the Lord. 

Amidst all the struggles, what keeps us holding on is the unyielding faith that Nazareno’s love brings. It’s not just about asking for miracles or expecting instant solutions to problems. It’s about finding the strength to endure, to keep fighting when the odds are stacked against you. 

Devotees of Nazareno share stories of miracles, not always in the form of dramatic interventions, but often as quiet moments of peace and clarity. It’s the strength to face each day with courage, knowing that you are not alone in your struggles. 

But why do people yearn for this love so fervently? The answer lies in the sense of comfort and solace that faith provides. In times of despair and uncertainty, turning to Nazareno brings a sense of peace and assurance that everything will be alright.  

It’s a belief that transcends mere words, offering a refuge for the weary soul. 

Beyond personal solace 

Faith-based communities play a crucial role in advocating for social change and addressing systemic issues. These communities serve as a moral compass, reminding society of the values of compassion, justice, and equality. They stand as a united front, urging for positive transformations in our country. 

However, amidst the profound faith and noble intentions, there’s a reality that cannot be ignored. Some individuals may exploit the name of the Lord to push their own agendas, neglecting the responsibility that falls upon our government. There are those who use religion as a shield, deflecting accountability and failing to address the root causes of suffering. 

This brings us to a critical point—holding the government accountable. While faith can inspire change and foster unity, it’s imperative that those in positions of power fulfill their duties to the people.  

Social change requires not just prayers but tangible actions and policies that uplift the marginalized and address systemic injustices. 

Demanding justice through faith 

We must demand transparency, fairness, and compassion from our leaders. No one should have to suffer needlessly when solutions are within reach. By uniting our faith with a call for accountability, we can strive towards a society where love, justice, and mercy prevail. 

Jesus, in his stories, faced neglect and marginalization. This resonates deeply with the struggles we endure, especially in the face of poverty. Just as Jesus sought to uplift the poor, the devotees of Nazareno seek comfort in their unwavering faith. 

In the end, the love of Nazareno is not just a personal journey—it’s a call to action, a beacon of hope that inspires us to create a better world for all. 

Faith. Love. Struggle. 

People want Nazareno’s love because it gives them hope and strength. It’s like a warm hug when life feels cold and tough. When we believe in something bigger than ourselves, it helps us face hard times. It’s like having a strong anchor in a stormy sea. 

“And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.” 

Devotion and spirituality teach us to be kind and understanding to others. They remind us that we’re all in this together and that we should help each other. Nazareno’s love encompasses a profound sense of empathy and compassion. When we embrace this love, it’s akin to understanding the essence of “Love thy neighbor” from 1 John 4:21. If we cannot love our brothers and sisters whom we can see, how can we claim to love a divine being whom we have not seen? It challenges us to translate our faith into tangible acts of kindness and support for those around us, especially during challenging times. Nazareno’s love becomes a beacon of hope and strength, reminding us to be compassionate to each other.  

But sometimes, society’s challenges can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s crucial for us to come together and demand fairness from our leaders.  

“This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.” 

In essence, Romans 3:22 teaches us that righteousness comes through faith, emphasizing the importance of justice and fairness. Just like Jesus, let’s be an advocate for justice and stand in solidarity with the less fortunate. Always hold our government accountable, so people don’t have to suffer as much. They can live with dignity and pursue their dreams without unnecessary obstacles. 

“Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” 

Let’s keep our faith strong and work together for a better world where everyone is treated with respect and compassion. James 2:17 shows that faith and action go hand in hand. Believing isn’t enough; we must also act on our beliefs. When we encounter challenges, our faith in Nazareno’s love drives us to make positive changes. This means actively working for a better world, being kind, and helping those in need. Our faith grows stronger when we put it into action, not just through prayers but by making a difference in people’s lives, which reflects Nazareno’s teachings. 

Be like Jesus in a world full of Injustices 

Let’s take inspiration from the words of Jesus himself, who said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” This isn’t just a historical lesson; it’s a calling for each of us to embody the spirit of Jesus in a world filled with injustices. 

We are called to follow Christ, not in grand gestures alone but in our daily lives. It means making sacrifices, standing up for those who are marginalized, and living out righteousness in our actions every day. Just as Jesus served others and gave his life for a greater cause, we are called to serve and advocate for those who need it most. 

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” 

Being a follower of Christ in today’s world means being compassionate, selfless, and actively seeking justice for all, as Proverbs 38:8-9 reminds us, it means being a voice for the voiceless and standing firm against oppression and inequality. This isn’t an easy path, but it’s a path of purpose and fulfillment, knowing that we are making a difference in the lives of others just as Jesus did. 

Let’s embrace the call to mirror Jesus’s love and kindness. It’s not just about belief; it’s a pledge to champion justice, uplift the marginalized, and forge a world where compassion and equality thrive in every action we take. 


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